On Sunday Griffin turned 2 months old. He went to the doctor today for his 2 month check up. He is a big boy weighing in at 12lbs. 13oz. He's 23 1/4 inches long and his head is 15 1/2 inches around. He's in the 75th percentile for weight and height still, and in the 25th for his head. He got 2 shots and now they give an oral vaccine for the rotavirus. After his shrill scream like a little girl and then a very sad (to mommy) cry, he was asleep as soon as we got in the car. :-) He is becoming such a joy. We've struggled a little with some fussiness, but he's beginning to show more signs of contentment. My favorite are his smiles and coos. Below are some pics from today and last week that I took. They're not in order, but I'll put some captions to explain what they are.
This one is of Griffin right after we got home from the doctor today. The poor guy was worn out!
Here's another of the same shot.....I just wanted you all to get a look at how big he is!
Sweet smiles.....
and more sweet smiles!
This was one before we left for the doc this morning. By his expression, one might think he knew what was about to happen. :-)
This was after the visit to the doctor and after his really long nap.
Yep....and this lasted for approximately 10 seconds before he noticed that I was no longer holding him.
Thanks for commenting. I'm hanging in there and thank God for Kathy Padgett. She has helped us with Cameron & Peyton. I am missing my other girls, but I can't for a minute imagine leaving Taylor by herself. There was another 3 year old little girl here that I never saw any family. The nurses did everything with/for her. It was so sad. We're hoping tonight will be the night. We'll see. As sof right now she is consistently wavering back in forth between OK oxygen & too low. So we'll see.
He is such a cutie!! I can't wait to meet him!! BTW--your second child's life FLIES by compared with the first. I'm in denial that Claire will be 1 in three weeks! :(
He looks just like Dave in that next to last picture!
I LOVE the first smile picture!!! He is so sweet and cute. He looks a lot like you in that picture. Like Becky said time does fly with the second one. I wanna see him and all of you again real soon!!!
Such sweet smiles already! Wyatt hardly ever cried (still doesn't). I think it's because I just held him for the first three months of his life... here's to babies that like to be held (and the backs that have to support them!).
ADORABLE pictures!!!
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